
Monday 27 September 2021

corss country

 3 days ago we went to cross country and we were ruining it was like race and there were people

 That were going to the finals but the tetcher did-int call how came first.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Tacos Tuesday - 100 word challenge

Today Mrs B has challenged us to write only 100 words for our blog.

The words are: calendar... washing...minuscule... sticky... white

I checked the calendar.  It was Tacos Tuesday. I was about to start cooking, when I saw this minuscule  little rat running around the kitchen. 

I jumped up onto the washing machine and wondered what to do.  Poison the rat or 
kick it out side?  I did both. Then I cleaned the house with a sticky white cleaner. Bam,  Bam... done. Checking every thing was clean, I finished our Tacos. Suddenly,  the rat ran back in across the bench and into the cupboard. All the glass wear fell out of the cabinet on to the table. Crap!! I'll be  grounded for a week!!

Tuesday 10 August 2021


 when we are in the assembly we start off with a karakia and then a wiata to begin our day.

Kyla tells the teacher for notices every teacher tells.the notices and then all of the classes 

go back to class the teacher start to tell us what were doing.


Wednesday 28 July 2021


income and expenses in finalcial litercy. this week we have been learning about banqur it shows money so you can by staff like storge uses and wifi. it shows you how it fells when your a adult these are some of the fine that were not alowwed to do sound pollution hats off inside and

Monday 17 May 2021

Our Trip to Waitangi

 Last week we went on a trip to Waitangi. 

Thursday 25 March 2021

W.A.L.T  upload a quality blog post from this weeks literacy

we have been buddy reading to our own buddy  and our group name is called chaser.

and our next was prototec practice   so we can improve in our maths so we can get better.

after that we had some can do's after we finish our task. and it was really because 

we get can do's.