
Wednesday 21 October 2020

kiwi can

W.A.L.T upload a post showing what we learnt in kiwi Can to day. 

Today for kiwi Can we played snap crackle pop. I enjoyed playing the game because  they  had to say a random name like snap crackle pop  and we had to make  a tunnel. and they had  to go under it and  our  catch phrase was like this  'we respect our school we well do it because we are cool'. The other game was somacalo  we had to put our hand  together and if it goes to ten and if they touch your hand your out.                           
                                                         Have you done kiwi can before?

How did I show respect? I showed respect by sitting quietly in the circle and not mocking or teasing people for getting out.

What did I enjoy? I enjoyed playing somacalu because it was a challenging game but super fun because I didn't get out.

What could I improve on next time? I could improve on getting answers correct on G,K,Q. 

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Tepunawari ora pools

 Our class tui went to Te punawari ora pools and it was fun because we had to go around the whole pool  with our snorkelling gear on.

 it was warm when we put our feet in. After a while it got kind of cold. The wet suits where really hard to put them on and off and he put a hoop in that we had to dive under. 

We had to swim all the way a round the hole pool and we also learnt that the peace sign is a hand signal for I am ok in the water.

Have you done snorkeling before?